Friday, June 3, 2011

Follow Me Friday

Parajunkee is the hostess to this awesome opportunity for new Bloggers (like me) to promote their blogs and get more followers. Isn't it awesome? I find it awesome. You also get to find new blogs that interest you. Personally, I'm having lots of fun.

Share the best line from your favorite book and explain why that is your favorite.

"Roza," His voice had that same wonderful lowness, the same accent... it was all just colder. "You forgot your first lesson: Don't hesitate."

This was one of the best lines from Blood Promise by Richelle Mead. It made me sob for a little before I was able to turn the page to the next chapter. It was just so... sad! It was Dimitri, yet... it wasn't. Amazing series and this books is one of my favorites. 


Howard Sherman said...

As the saying goes – the best defense is a good offense. I’ve got that covered! My preparations for the zombie apocalypse are not just intricate, they’re stylish. I’m not talking “last stand” stuff here. I mean to lure in the zombies and slaughter them wholesale while we sip champagne and watch.

How am I going to do that? Follow me back to my blog at and read all about it.

Thank G-d it’s Follow Friday!

Howard Sherman, Implementor

Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter said...

Following back from the blog hop.

Stephanie @ Once Upon a Chapter