Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Comparing Books

I hate it when I read a review about a book and the reviewer compares it to Twilight, like Twilight is the king of the books or the only famous books out there. I mean, every book has its touch and something to like. Every book it's unique in its own way. So I don't see any reason why it should be compared. 

“Move over Bella and Edward. Plum introduces a world and a story that are sure to intrigue teen readers and will easily attract fans of the Twilight series.” (Booklist ) 

The review above is for the book Die for Me by Amy Plum. While I haven't read the book because it comes out in May 10, 2011, the synopsis I read was very good. But why it has to be compared to Twilight, I don't get. I know, I know, Twilight is a big hit and still is because of the movies even though the series was over a while ago. I get it. People love Twilight. Hell, I even liked it too because it was my first book in English I ever read about three years ago and so my mind being new to books loved it. But now, and many, many books later, I see that the world doesn't reduce itself to one simple book like Twilight. There are many out there that are much better! 

What I mean by this is that just because Twilight was really good doesn't mean other books should be compared to it. I'm sick of it.
another example: 

"Richelle Mead's 'Vampire Academy' is the obvious heir to the 'Twilight' throne," declared the Daily Beast Web site last year.

Vampire Academy is one of my favorite series. Actually, it's so good I read the first three books in three days and even cried a little at four AM when something I'd been expecting but forgotten about happened. Yeah, that good. Anyways, I was pleased to know that I wasn't the only who thought Vampire Academy was really good (I found out I wasn't later on when I began reading and writing stories in Fan Fiction about Rose & Dimitri. Also when I saw so many fansites and people talking endlessly about them.) but the fact that they thought of Twilight throne worthy and all that pissed me off. Note that this is just my opinion and I'm not trying to offend any Twilight fans out there or anything. Yes, Vampire Academy is amazing but shouldn't be compared, just like any other book.

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